Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Seasons and such...

If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music~ Gustav Mahler

We "artist" are a strange people. We would much rather express our emotions through our music or whatever it is we do, than putting our foot in our mouths the other half of the time, because more often than none we don't have the time to think out what we are about to say or have the right words at that moment to say them. Or frankly, we just don't feel like expressing our emotions that way. Personally, I fit into all three of those descriptions.

As our emotions waver from time to time and come and go, so does our motivation in doing what we LOVE, and makes us in the first place, and that is music. There are seasons when I am so motivated to write down every feeling and life experience I've had into a song, and yet at the same time there are seasons where I would prefer to not even look at a keyboard. But, despite the lack of motivation (that allows us to channel our emotions and life experiences in general through our gifts), we never forget our first love and what drives us in the first place, when we hear a familiar tune, or play a new melody. That's what I love about music. And for me, I can relate on a whole other level with my fellow musicians out there! Holla! lol

At the same time, I'm reminded of my relationship with God in all of this. In the sense that my faith can waiver from time to time, or even my focus...but I have that solid foundation and passion for Him (as well as music) to where I can always find my way back home. He is that familiarity for me and the only thing I do know for certain. I pray every night that my dependency would be fully on my Father, and through my life thus far I haven't had much of a choice... lol (I thank God for that too) He is always faithful and will always see you through!

In the meantime, I am working towards my goal as a musician and have a lot of dreams and goals I would love to accomplish this summer! Be on the lookout for some of my stuff, and hopefully I can keep you posted and updated more...as always, stay "tuned". :)

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