Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Chance to Love

What is love?

Trying to define this term/action/emotion and everything else that makes it what it is, can lead to a lifetime of searching. I have come to the conclusion that you can't quite define Love. Love is a lifestyle, and your choices contribute to it greatly. "Love" has been divided into the worlds idea of it versus the way God intended it to be. Agape Love. Aside from the romantic/relational love, we could write novels and novels about the idea of "Love" and what it consist of. But, the fact is that no matter how much we seek and try to define the idea of  "Love", it will never be what it was intended to be without God in the picture. Simply put, Love is a daily action, and everyday I am learning more and more what it means to love and be loved in return.

As most of you may know, my calling is music. God has done amazing things in my life through it and in return has given me the ability and gifting. With that said, I also love to write a lot of my own songs. A lot of my songs are derived from life's experiences themselves, and my journey through faith in Christ. Most recently I have been seeking the idea of love and what it is in the worlds perspective versus God's. I have been reading devotionals, scripture, blogs, observing everyday actions in the world, and anything you can think of that relates to the topic. Basically, it has been on my heart and mind for weeks. So has the notion of writing a song about it. I wanted to describe what is looks and feels like, how it affects us, and everything else in between. Love is a part of our daily lives. In writing the song I titled "The Chance to Love" I was directed to a portion of scripture that really put things in perspective for me. Ephesians 1:3-12 talks about the ultimate portrayal of love. The ultimate portrayal of love was God sending his son on our behalf so that we could be set free from sin, but beyond that and what's even greater to me is that as imperfect as we are and so often so far from Him, He chooses to love us because He wants to, it pleases Him. It is in his nature to love us, no matter how sinful we can be. A crazy Love. God's perspective of love keeps no record of wrongs and covers a multitude of sins. Combined with his limitless grace, it becomes greater than our sin. And as Joyce Meyer puts it...

"Just as it is impossible for God not to love, so it is impossible for us to do anything to keep Him from loving us."

That's love! God's love is the power that forgives our sins, heals our emotional wounds and mends our broken hearts. What's amazing to me, is that man has been looking for a perfect love in the world since it was created and has been let down time and time again. Yet we continue to put our hope and dependency in a false, shallow and selfish type of love. God's love is unconditional and based on Him, not us. Once we can realize and grasp the concept that God loves us regardless of what we have or haven't done, then can we truly be free and experience love the way it was intended. A love that will fill you, and not leave you wanting more. You don't have to earn this love, just simply receive it.I don't know about you, but I want this love and to love like this in return! The ultimate portrayal was sent from above, for our "Chance to Love"...

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